Why you need MDM

Master Data Management (MDM) is a set of processes and technologies focused on creating and maintaining a valid, reliable, stable, accurate da­ta environment, a “single version of the truth” of master data and its relationships.

MDM enables a single view of entities (customers, patients, products, etc) and ensures accurate data is leveraged across all business pro­ces­ses. It is critical for financial reporting,  customer management, custo­mer care, compliance, product regulatory adherence, cross-selling and up-selling, privacy management, supply chain, security ma­na­ge­ment, and many other processes.

Improve operational efficiency

Sharing master da­ta across or­ga­ni­za­ti­onal bo­un­da­ri­es enables to stre­am­li­ne existing business pro­ce­s­ses and re­du­ce ope­ra­ti­onal costs, as well as speed­up trans­for­ma­ti­on into di­gi­tal operating models.

Simplify mergers and acquisitions

Consideration of data ar­chi­tec­tu­re and da­ta ma­na­ge­ment stra­te­gy should be at the root of pro­per ac­qui­si­ti­on and mer­ger plan­ning, be­ca­u­se while in­teg­ra­ting IT sys­tems of both par­ties after M&A one of the most chal­len­ging ac­ti­vi­ti­es is to get clean and reliable data.

Enable transformation into a digital enterprise

At the heart of a di­­gi­­ta­­l­ly tra­n­s­­for­­med or­­ga­­­­­­­ni­­­za­­ti­­on is data. Da­­ta that can be se­­cu­­­re­­ly ac­­ce­s­­­sed by eve­ry­one in the en­­ter­­pri­­se. MDM gets all sys­tems data on the same page. It crea­tes da­ta con­sis­­te­n­cy and en­sur­es good en­ter­pri­se ar­chi­te­ctu­re.

Manage regulatory compliance to reduce risk

Master Data Management is cru­ci­al for any com­pa­ny re­qui­red to abide by da­ta pri­va­cy and pro­tec­ti­on laws and other re­gu­la­ti­ons. It ena­bles con­t­rol of the da­ta in the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on, that op­ti­mi­zes comp­li­an­ce ef­forts and frees up ad­di­ti­o­nal re­sour­ces for other bu­si­ness tasks.

Why you need MDM

Master Data Management (MDM) is a set of processes and technologies fo­cu­sed on creating and maintaining a valid, reliable, stable, accurate da­ta en­vi­ro­n­ment, a “single version of the truth” of master data and its re­la­ti­on­ships.

MDM enables a single view of entities (customers, patients, products, etc) and ensures accurate data is leveraged ac­ross all business pro­ces­ses. It is cri­ti­cal for fi­na­n­ci­al re­por­t­ing,  cu­s­to­mer ma­na­ge­ment, cu­s­to­­mer care, com­p­li­an­ce, pro­duct re­gu­la­to­ry ad­he­re­n­ce, cross-selling and up-selling, pri­vacy ma­na­ge­ment, su­p­ply chain, se­cu­ri­ty ma­na­ge­ment, and many other processes.

Improve operational efficiency

Sharing master da­ta across or­ga­ni­za­ti­onal bo­un­da­ri­es enables to stre­am­li­ne existing business pro­ce­s­ses and re­du­ce ope­ra­ti­onal costs, as well as speed­up trans­for­ma­ti­on into di­gi­tal operating models.

Simplify mergers and acquisitions

Consideration of data ar­chi­tec­tu­re and da­ta ma­na­ge­ment stra­te­gy should be at the root of pro­per ac­qui­si­ti­on and mer­ger plan­ning, be­ca­u­se while in­teg­ra­ting IT sys­tems of both par­ties after M&A one of the most chal­len­ging ac­ti­vi­ti­es is to get clean and reliable data.

Enable trans­fo­r­ma­ti­on into a di­gi­tal enterprise

At the heart of a di­gi­ta­lvly tra­n­s­for­med or­­ga­­­­­­ni­­za­ti­on is data. Data that can be se­cu­­re­ly ac­ces­­sed by eve­ry­one in the en­ter­pri­se. MDM gets all sys­tems data on the same page. It creates da­ta con­sis­­ten­cy and en­su­res good en­ter­pri­se ar­chi­te­ctu­re.

Manage regulatory compliance to reduce risk

Master Data Management is cru­ci­al for any com­pa­ny re­qui­red to abide by da­ta pri­va­cy and pro­tec­ti­on laws and other re­gu­la­ti­ons. It ena­bles con­t­rol of the da­ta in the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on, that op­ti­mi­zes comp­li­an­ce ef­forts and frees up ad­di­ti­o­nal re­sour­ces for other bu­si­ness tasks.