20 Oct Release notes 2021.1

Made improvements and additions in Kano MDM modules.
- Changed the design (visual display) of deleted entities in the fields of the system .
From the new functionality, the following should be highlighted:
- Improved email-notifications:
- Added ability to send mail notifications not only to the user to whom rights are delegated, but also to the user whose rights have been delegated. .
- “Requests” module:
- Added ability to monitor requests that have been executed.
- Added an option to copy requests.
- Introduced a new type of field, which allows linking two catalogs by type of relationship. In this way, when selecting a record in a catalog, the system automatically shows it in the related catalog, but with the option to view it only.
- Implemented a new module “Import templates”, to create templates for data import from file. Added the support of xlsx format.