How to start with Kano MDM

MDM is a long-term commitment, so or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons must use a best-of-breed so­lu­ti­on that not just sup­ports their main da­ta do­ma­ins, but any num­ber of da­ta do­ma­ins. Kano MDM is just that kind of so­lu­ti­on.

There is a un­ique imp­le­men­ta­ti­on mo­del for Kano MDM, which mi­ni­mi­zes pro­ject risks and en­su­res cus­to­mers’ suc­cess. The main re­com­men­da­ti­on is to start with a pi­lot pro­ject, which auto­mates the da­ta ste­ward­ship pro­ce­s­ses of se­ve­ral do­mains and in­teg­ra­ti­on with se­ve­ral in­for­ma­tion sys­tems. A pi­lot pro­ject can be a so­lid fo­un­da­tion for the full-scale imp­le­men­ta­ti­on project.

During Kano MDM imp­le­men­ta­ti­on it is possible to get trai­ning for the cus­tomer’s ex­perts, which allows to solve or even pre­vent a sig­ni­fi­cant part of the mas­ter da­ta ma­na­g­ement is­su­es and ap­pli­ca­tion in­teg­ra­tion quest­ions by cus­tomers’ own ef­forts. Of course, main­te­nan­ce ser­vi­ces may be provided to cus­to­mers that inc­­lu­de tech­ni­cal as­sis­tan­ce and soft­ware upd­ates.

Kano MDM can support a variety of further ini­ti­ati­ves in Master Data Management.

How to start with Kano MDM

MDM is a long-term commitment, so or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons must use a best-of-breed so­lu­ti­on that not just sup­ports their main da­ta do­ma­ins, but any num­ber of da­ta do­mains. Kano MDM is just that kind of so­lu­ti­on. Kano MDM of­fers PoCs and stri­ves to or­ga­ni­ze ide­al con­di­ti­ons for easy imp­le­mеn­ta­ti­on.

We have de­ve­lo­ped a uni­que imp­le­men­ta­ti­on mo­del for Kano MDM, which mi­ni­mi­zes project risks and en­sures cus­tomers’ suc­cess. The main re­com­men­da­ti­on is to start with a pilot project, which auto­mates the da­ta ste­ward­ship pro­ces­ses of se­ve­ral do­mains and in­teg­ra­tivon with se­ve­ral in­for­ma­tion systems. A pilot project can be a solid foun­da­tion for the full-scale imp­le­me­n­ta­ti­on pro­ject.

During Kano MDM imp­le­men­ta­ti­on it is possible to get trai­ning for the cus­tomer’s ex­perts, which allows to solve or even pre­vent a sig­ni­fi­cant part of the mas­ter da­ta ma­na­g­ement is­su­es and ap­pli­ca­tion in­teg­ra­tion quest­ions by cus­tomers’ own ef­forts. Of course, we pro­vi­de ma­in­te­nan­ce ser­vi­ces to our cus­to­mers that inc­­lude tech­nical as­sis­tan­ce and soft­ware updates.

Kano MDM can support a va­rie­ty of further ini­ti­a­ti­ves in Master Data Management.

Implementation steps

1. Discovery

Pro­ject re­qu­i­re­ments are ana­ly­zed and imp­le­men­ta­ti­on spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons pre­pa­red du­ring this phase. We pro­vi­de a ques­ti­on­nai­re that can be a star­ting po­int of the dis­co­ve­ry stage. Usu­al­ly, we imp­le­ment PoC be­fo­re sig­ning a cont­ract with a cus­to­mer.

2. Launch

With the cont­ract sig­ned we start the phase of pre­pa­ring for imp­le­men­ta­ti­on. We help your or­ga­ni­za­ti­on to as­semb­le the best pro­ject team, de­ve­lop an imp­le­men­ta­ti­on plan, ve­ri­fy bu­si­ness pro­ces­ses, col­lect all da­ta and in­for­ma­ti­on about APIs. Du­ring this phase, DEV/­TEST/­PROD in­fra­s­truc­tu­re is set up and con­fi­gu­red for auto­matic so­lu­ti­on de­li­ve­ry.

3. Configuration

We con­fi­gu­re ca­ta­logs and se­cu­ri­ty set­tings, vi­su­al rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on of the da­ta, da­ta ste­ward­ship pro­ces­ses, da­ta qua­li­ty ru­les using Kano MDM UI tools. Data mig­ra­ti­on and clean­sing also take place du­ring this step. Ini­ti­al da­ta is loa­ded from exis­ting da­ta so­u­rces and clean­sed.

4. Integration

Kano MDM has a built-in uni­ver­sal API ba­sed on Web- and REST-ser­vi­ces to in­teg­ra­te with ex­ter­nal ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. If this API is us­ed, no de­ve­lop­ment ef­fort is re­qui­red. A cus­to­mer can con­nect ap­pli­ca­ti­ons using this API. In so­me other ca­ses, adap­ters to con­nect to ex­ter­nal sys­tems should be de­ve­lo­ped.

5. Test & Go-live

Kano MDM con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pas­ses func­ti­o­nal and in­teg­ra­ti­on tests. User acceptance tests take place on this stage. Training are delivered to a customer project team and as well as help in the transition from training and testing to real use.

6. Maintenance

It is possible to get re­mo­te sup­port ser­vi­ces via email, is­sue trac­ker, and pho­ne to autho­ri­zed spe­cia­lists of the part­ner or cus­tomer. Main­te­nan­ce inc­lu­des soft­ware up­dates (new re­lea­ses, and bug fixes) pro­vi­ded to the cus­tomer.

Implementation steps

1. Discovery

Project re­qui­re­ments are ana­ly­zed and imp­le­men­ta­ti­on spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons pre­pa­red du­ring this phase. We pro­vide a ques­ti­onna­i­re that can be a star­ting point of the dis­co­ve­ry sta­ge. Usually, we imp­le­ment PoC be­fore signing a cont­ract with a cus­tomer.

2. Launch

With the cont­ract sig­ned we start the pha­se of pre­pa­ring for imp­le­men­ta­ti­on. We help your or­ga­ni­za­ti­on to as­semb­le the best pro­ject team, de­ve­lop an imp­le­men­ta­ti­on plan, ve­ri­fy bu­si­ness pro­ces­ses, col­lect all data and in­for­ma­tion about APIs. During this phase, DEV/­TEST/­PROD in­fra­struc­tu­re is set up and con­fi­gu­red for auto­ma­tic so­lu­ti­on de­li­ve­ry.

3. Configuration

We con­fi­gu­re ca­ta­logs and se­cu­ri­ty set­tings, vi­su­al rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on of the da­ta, da­ta ste­ward­ship pro­ces­ses, da­ta qua­li­ty ru­les using Kano MDM UI tools. Data mig­ra­ti­on and clean­sing also take pla­ce du­ring this step. Ini­tial da­ta is loa­ded from exis­ting da­ta sour­ces and clean­sed.

4. Integration

Kano MDM has a built-in uni­ver­sal API ba­sed on Web- and REST-ser­vi­ces to in­teg­ra­te with ex­ter­nal ap­pli­ca­ti­ons. If this API is us­ed, no de­ve­lop­ment ef­fort is re­qui­red. A cus­to­mer can con­nect ap­pli­ca­ti­ons using this API. In so­me other ca­ses, adap­ters to con­nect to ex­ter­nal sys­tems should be de­ve­lo­ped.

5. Test & Go-live

Kano MDM con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pas­ses func­ti­o­nal and in­teg­ra­ti­on tests. User acceptance tests take place on this stage. Training are delivered to a customer project team and as well as help in the transition from training and testing to real use.

6. Maintenance

It is possible to get re­mo­te sup­port ser­vi­ces via email, is­sue trac­ker, and pho­ne to autho­ri­zed spe­cia­lists of the part­ner or cus­tomer. Main­te­nan­ce inc­lu­des soft­ware up­dates (new re­lea­ses, and bug fixes) pro­vi­ded to the cus­tomer.