Why Kano MDM


Kano MDM can be integrated with any ap­p­­li­­ca­­tions and da­ta so­ur­ces in­si­de and out­si­de of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on.


Kano MDM is bas­ed on In­ter­Sys­tems Da­ta Plat­form that can ha­n­d­­le big da­­ta and has pro­­ven pe­r­­­fo­­r­­ma­n­­­ce, re­­li­­abi­­li­­ty, and sca­la­bi­li­ty.


Permissions for record access and mo­di­fi­ca­tion are ful­ly cus­to­mi­zable up to and in­clud­ing Row-Level and Column-Level se­cu­ri­ty. Kano MDM sup­por­ts data ver­sion­ing to en­sure none of the data is lost or damaged.


Kano MDM combines the support of multiple master data domains, implementation styles with customizable and extensible workflows, and integration components.

Implementation styles

Kano MDM supports all classic implementation styles. Hybrid implementation styles are also po­s­sib­le to fulfill specific business needs.


Being a unified platform for master data management, Kano MDM dramatically reduces implementation and maintenance costs.

Kano MDM features


  • Multiple Domain support (i.e. Employee, Patient, Provider, Hospital, etc.)
  • Management of relationships between Domains
  • Multiple implementation styles support (Centralized, Coexistence, Registry, Consolidation)

Kano MDM allows to set up and to work with  Data in an un­li­mi­ted num­ber of va­ri­ous do­mains, with any amount of en­ti­ti­es in each of them. Besides, there is an op­tion to set up re­la­ti­on­ships between the parts of va­ri­ous domains. De­pe­nd­ing on imp­le­me­n­ta­ti­on style Kano MDM can be either the master sy­s­tem or re­trieve data changes from ex­ter­nal sy­s­tems and pro­pa­ga­te them downstream.


  • “Ready to use” APIs for Kano MDM integration
  • Publish-subscribe flows
  • API management
  • Custom integration scenarios using extendable adapter library

“Ready to use” APIs provide bi-di­re­c­ti­onal data ex­chan­ge with any ex­ter­nal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons and data sources via Web- and REST-services, xDBC, or any other in­te­g­ra­ti­on ada­p­ter. Kano MDM sup­ports dif­fe­rent types of publish-sub­scribe flows: sub­scrip­ti­on by ca­ta­log, key, or record. Built-in API Gateway allows for fle­x­ible API Ma­na­ge­ment si­mp­li­fy­ing ser­vices con­sump­ti­on ma­na­ge­ment and other API related tasks.

Web UI

  • Domain configuration
  • Automatically generated Data Views
  • Data Entry capabilities
  • Support for multi-language data

Kano MDM Web UI allows Data Ste­wards to create a Da­ta Mo­del of any com­p­le­xi­ty. Default visu­al rep­re­se­n­ta­ti­ons of da­ta are ge­ne­ra­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and can be further mo­di­fi­ed to suit bu­si­ness needs with­out coding. Addi­ti­onal­ly, as soon as Domain is cre­ated re­la­t­ed Data Entry fun­c­ti­o­na­li­ty beco­mes avail­able for users. Kano MDM sup­ports not only multi-lan­gu­a­ge UI but also multi-lan­gu­a­ge data.

Data Stewardship

  • Customizable business processes and business rules to automate Data Stewardship workflows
  • Comprehensive Web UI for Data Stewardship
  • “One request – one change” rule

All Data changes go through cu­s­to­mi­z­ab­le ap­pro­val pro­ces­ses. Each ap­p­ro­val pro­cess is composed of multiple pa­ral­lel or se­qu­en­ti­al sta­ges. For all changes “one request – one change” rule is ap­pli­ed meaning that each change is co­n­t­rol­led by the de­di­ca­ted ap­p­ro­val process. Kano MDM sup­ports uti­li­ty fe­a­tu­res: task no­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons, auto­matic actions, time con­s­traints, etc.

Data Quality

  • Data cleansing
  • Data validation
  • Data deduplication

Kano MDM le­ve­ra­ges Ma­chi­ne Le­ar­n­ing li­bra­ri­es on Python to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly de­tect dup­li­ca­tes in exis­ting and new da­ta. Imp­le­men­ted pre­dic­ti­ve mo­dels are fi­ne­ tu­ned for each in­di­vi­du­al cus­to­mer to pro­vi­de in­sights and auto­ma­ti­on for da­ta matching and as­so­ci­a­ted data cleansing tasks.


  • Data and Metadata changelog
  • Support for historical data (Data Versioning)
  • Integration monitoring

Kano MDM implements detailed audit: all actions with data and metadata are stored in MDM changelog. Additionally, Kano MDM provides data versioning to ensure none of the business data is lost or damaged. Integration monitoring allows data stewards to see the data flow from source systems into Kano MDM and into target systems.


  • User management
  • LDAP (AD, OpenLDAP) and OAuth authentication
  • Role-based access control to catalogs, individual records, and attributes

Intelligent security is implemented to provide different views for different roles. Kano MDM allows finetuning user’s access to domains, catalogs, individual records, and attributes.


  • Built-in OLAP
  • Customizable analytical dashboards
  • Prebuilt set of dashboards

Built-in OLAP fun­c­ti­o­na­li­ty en­ab­les analy­ti­cal dash­boards crea­tion based on Kano MDM do­main data and us­age data. Kano MDM pro­vi­des a set of sys­tem dash­bo­ar­ds: most used da­ta, da­ta quality, etc.

Deployment choice

Kano MDM integrates into exis­t­ing in­fras­t­ruc­tu­res to sup­port the wid­est range of cus­to­mer en­vi­ron­ments and ap­pli­ca­tio­n re­qu­ire­ments, allow­ing to run ope­ra­ti­ons in the chosen en­vi­ron­ment.

The variety of dep­loy­ment op­ti­ons inc­lu­de pub­lic clo­ud plat­forms (Amazon Web Service, Google Clo­ud, Mic­ro­soft Azure, and Tencent Clo­ud), on-pre­mi­ses, hyb­rid, de­di­ca­ted, or vir­tu­al ser­ver en­vi­ron­ments, all with a sing­le API with­out any re­qu­ir­ed chan­ges to the cus­to­mer’s ap­p­lications.



Dedicated server

Virtual server


Kano MDM implementation styles





Registry style
  • External systems are masters
  • Store only source data index
  • Cros-reference tracking
  • Read-only access
  • Use of federated requests
  • May not scales
Consolidation style
  • External systems are Masters
  • Golden data is created in Kano MDM
  • De-duplicate enrich and consolidate
  • Distribute data to downstream apps
  • High performance
Coexistence style
  • External systems are Masters
  • De-duplicate, enrich, and consolidate
  • Closed-loop to cleanse source applications
  • Easily scaled up to a centralized
  • More intrusive
Centralized style
  • Kano MDM is Mater
  • MDM is a single provider for master data
  • Validation and Stewardship Workflows
  • The highest level of data quality
  • Most intrusive – replaces existing processes

Why Kano MDM


Kano MDM can be integrated with any ap­p­­li­­ca­­tions and da­ta so­ur­ces in­si­de and out­si­de of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on.


Kano MDM is bas­ed on In­ter­Sys­tems Da­ta Plat­form that can ha­n­d­­le big da­­ta and has pro­­ven pe­r­­­fo­­r­­ma­n­­­ce, re­­li­­abi­­li­­ty, and sca­la­bi­li­ty.


Permissions for record access and mo­di­fi­ca­tion are ful­ly cus­to­mi­zable up to and in­clud­ing Row-Level and Column-Level se­cu­ri­ty. Kano MDM sup­por­ts data ver­sion­ing to en­sure none of the data is lost or damaged.


Kano MDM combines the support of multiple master data domains, implementation styles with customizable and extensible workflows, and integration components.


Kano MDM supports all classic implementation styles. Hybrid implementation styles are also po­s­sib­le to fulfill specific business needs.


Being a unified platform for master data management, Kano MDM dramatically reduces implementation and maintenance costs.

Kano MDM features

  • Multiple Domain support (i.e. Employee, Patient, Provider, Hospital, etc.)
  • Management of relationships between Domains
  • Multiple implementation styles support (Centralized, Coexistence, Registry, Consolidation)

Kano MDM allows to set up and to work with  Data in an un­li­mi­ted num­ber of va­ri­ous do­mains, with any amount of en­ti­ti­es in each of them. Besides, there is an op­tion to set up re­la­ti­on­ships between the parts of va­ri­ous domains. De­pe­nd­ing on imp­le­me­n­ta­ti­on style Kano MDM can be either the master sy­s­tem or re­trieve data changes from ex­ter­nal sy­s­tems and pro­pa­ga­te them downstream.

  • “Ready to use” APIs for Kano MDM integration
  • Publish-subscribe flows
  • API management
  • Custom integration scenarios using extendable adapter library

“Ready to use” APIs provide bi-di­re­c­ti­onal data ex­chan­ge with any ex­ter­nal ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons and data sources via Web- and REST-services, xDBC, or any other in­te­g­ra­ti­on ada­p­ter. Kano MDM sup­ports dif­fe­rent types of publish-sub­scribe flows: sub­scrip­ti­on by ca­ta­log, key, or record. Built-in API Gateway allows for fle­x­ible API Ma­na­ge­ment si­mp­li­fy­ing ser­vices con­sump­ti­on ma­na­ge­ment and other API related tasks.

Web UI
  • Domain configuration
  • Automatically generated Data Views
  • Data Entry capabilities
  • Support for multi-language data and metadata

Kano MDM Web UI allows Data Ste­wards to create a Da­ta Mo­del of any com­p­le­xi­ty. Default visu­al rep­re­se­n­ta­ti­ons of da­ta are ge­ne­ra­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and can be further mo­di­fi­ed to suit bu­si­ness needs with­out coding. Addi­ti­onal­ly, as soon as Domain is cre­ated re­la­t­ed Data Entry fun­c­ti­o­na­li­ty beco­mes avail­able for users. Kano MDM sup­ports not only multi-lan­gu­a­ge UI but also multi-lan­gu­a­ge data and metadata.

Data Stewardship
  • Customizable business processes and business rules to automate Data Stewardship workflows
  • Comprehensive Web UI for Data Stewardship
  • “One request – one change” rule

All Data changes go through cu­s­to­mi­z­ab­le ap­pro­val pro­ces­ses. Each ap­p­ro­val pro­cess is composed of multiple pa­ral­lel or se­qu­en­ti­al sta­ges. For all changes “one request – one change” rule is ap­pli­ed meaning that each change is co­n­t­rol­led by the de­di­ca­ted ap­p­ro­val process. Kano MDM sup­ports uti­li­ty fe­a­tu­res: task no­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons, auto­matic actions, time con­s­traints, etc.

Data Quality
  • Data cleansing
  • Data validation
  • Data deduplication

Kano MDM le­ve­ra­ges Ma­chi­ne Le­ar­n­ing li­bra­ri­es on Python to auto­ma­ti­cal­ly de­tect dup­li­ca­tes in exis­ting and new da­ta. Imp­le­men­ted pre­dic­ti­ve mo­dels are fi­ne­ tu­ned for each in­di­vi­du­al cus­to­mer to pro­vi­de in­sights and auto­ma­ti­on for da­ta matching and as­so­ci­a­ted data cleansing tasks.

  • Data and Metadata changelog
  • Support for historical data (Data Versioning)
  • Integration monitoring

Kano MDM implements detailed audit: all actions with data and metadata are stored in MDM changelog. Additionally, Kano MDM provides data versioning to ensure none of the business data is lost or damaged. Integration monitoring allows data stewards to see the data flow from source systems into Kano MDM and into target systems.

  • User management
  • LDAP (AD, OpenLDAP) and OAuth authentication
  • Role-based access control to catalogs, individual records, and attributes

Intelligent security is implemented to provide different views for different roles. Kano MDM allows finetuning user’s access to domains, catalogs, individual records, and attributes.

  • Built-in OLAP
  • Customizable analytical dashboards
  • Prebuilt set of dashboards

Built-in OLAP fun­c­ti­o­na­li­ty en­ab­les analy­ti­cal dash­boards crea­tion based on Kano MDM do­main data and us­age data. Kano MDM pro­vi­des a set of sys­tem dash­bo­ar­ds: most used da­ta, da­ta quality, etc.

Deployment choice

Kano MDM in­teg­ra­tes into exis­ting in­fras­truc­tu­res to sup­port the wi­dest ran­ge of cus­to­mer en­vi­ron­ments and ap­pli­ca­ti­on re­qui­re­ments, al­lo­wing to run ope­ra­ti­ons in the cho­sen en­vi­ron­ment.

The variety of dep­loy­ment op­tions inc­lu­de pub­lic clo­ud plat­forms (Amazon Web Ser­vi­ce, Google Clo­ud, Micro­soft Azure, and Ten­cent Cloud), on-pre­mis­es, hybrid, de­di­ca­ted, or vir­tu­al server en­vi­ron­ments, all with a sing­le API with­out any re­qui­red chan­ges to the cus­to­mer’s ap­pli­cations.

Implementation styles

  • External systems are Masters
  • Store only source data index
  • Cros-reference tracking
  • Read-only access
  • Use of federated requests
  • May not scales
  • External systems are Masters
  • Golden data is created in Kano MDM
  • De-duplicate enrich and consolidate
  • Distribute data to downstream apps
  • High performance
  • External systems are Masters
  • De-duplicate, enrich, and consolidate
  • Closed-loop to cleanse source applications
  • Easily scaled up to a centralized
  • More intrusive
  • Kano MDM is Mater
  • MDM is a single provider for master data
  • Validation and Stewardship Workflows
  • The highest level of data quality
  • MDM -иMost intrusive – replaces existing processes