Our history

During the last 17 years, we implemented several national-scale pro­jects. All the­se years we fa­ced the fact that in each sub­si­di­a­ry of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on the sa­me da­ta as de­fi­ned and used dif­fe­re­nt­ly. It was a centralized or decentralized company hierarchy.

With the implementation of government projects in different co­un­tri­es, we dis­co­ve­r­ed that the­re is a hu­ge is­sue with the pre­sen­ta­tion of da­ta to the cen­tral au­tho­ri­ties to ma­ke im­por­tant ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve de­ci­si­ons. So we imp­le­me­n­ted sta­n­da­lo­ne MDM mo­du­les, so­me­where it was the qua­li­ty of da­ta, somewhere the da­ta ma­p­­p­ing and of course, ap­pro­val work­flows and in­teg­ra­tions was al­ways re­qui­red.

These facts inspi­red us to cre­ate and de­ve­lop our Mas­ter Da­ta Ma­na­ge­ment so­lu­tion to im­p­le­ment pro­jects of any com­ple­xi­ty, in any industry.

Our history

During the last 17 years, we im­p­le­me­n­ted se­ve­ral na­ti­o­nal-sca­le pro­jects. All these ye­ars we fa­ced the fact that in ea­ch sub­si­di­a­ry of the or­ga­ni­za­ti­on the sa­me da­ta as de­fin­ed and used di­f­fe­re­n­t­ly. It was a ce­n­tra­liz­ed or de­ce­n­tra­li­zed co­m­pa­ny hierarchy.

With the imp­le­me­n­ta­ti­on of go­vern­ment pro­jects in dif­fe­rent co­unt­ri­es, we dis­co­ve­red that there is a hu­ge is­sue with the pre­se­n­ta­tion of da­ta to the ce­n­­t­­ral au­tho­ri­ti­es to ma­ke im­po­r­tant ad­mi­ni­stra­ti­ve de­ci­si­ons. So we imp­le­me­n­ted sta­n­da­lo­ne MDM modules, so­me­whe­re it was the qu­a­li­ty of da­ta, so­me­whe­re the da­ta ma­p­ping and of cou­rse, ap­pro­val workf­lows and in­teg­ra­ti­ons was always re­qui­red.

These facts ins­pi­red us to cre­a­te and de­ve­lop our Mas­ter Da­ta Ma­na­ge­ment so­lu­ti­on to imp­le­ment pro­jects of any comp­le­xi­ty, in any industry.

Our mission

To enable each organization, using an ever-growing universe of chaotic data, to fulfill its core purpose of delivering maximum value to customers.

Our mission

To enable each organization, using an ever-growing un­i­ver­se of chaotic data, to ful­fill its core pur­po­se of de­li­ve­ring ma­xi­mum va­lue to cu­s­to­­mers.

Our values

We accept our mis­takes, sin­ce cor­rec­ting them me­ans that to­day we are bet­ter than yes­ter­day. Af­ter all, a mis­ta­ke is an event that has not yet been tur­ned by us in­to our ad­van­ta­ge.

If you have an ap­ple and I ha­ve an ap­ple and we ex­chan­ge them, then we will ha­ve one ap­ple left. But if you ha­ve an idea and I ha­ve an idea, and we ex­chan­ge them, we will have two ideas.

Teamwork – the abi­li­ty to work to­ge­ther to­wards a com­mon cau­se. This is fu­el that al­lows or­di­na­ry peo­ple to achie­ve unusual results.

The main thing in the work is to an­swer the qu­es­ti­ons of what and when. This al­lows us to cor­rec­t­ly fo­cus our ef­forts on vi­tal go­als and achie­ve them whi­le they matter.

We value candor. It al­lows us to qu­ick­ly un­der­stand the iss­ue and is the ba­s­is of trust. This ap­pli­es to our cus­to­mers and col­le­agues.

Work-life sho­uld be en­joy­able. We co­vet pro­cess as much as the des­ti­na­ti­on. So if you ne­ver see pe­ople that get tre­men­­do­us ple­asu­re from work, you just ha­ve to meet us.

Our values

We ac­cept our mis­ta­kes, sin­ce cor­rec­ting them me­ans that to­day we are bet­ter than ye­s­ter­day. After all, a mis­ta­ke is an event that has not yet been tu­r­n­­ed by us to our ad­van­ta­ge.

If you have an ap­p­le and I ha­ve an ap­p­le and we ex­cha­n­ge them, then we will ha­ve one ap­p­le left. But if you ha­ve an idea and I ha­ve an id­ea, and we ex­cha­n­ge them, we will have two ideas.

Teamwork – the ability to work to­ge­ther to­war­ds a co­m­mon ca­u­se. This is fu­el that al­lows or­di­na­ry pe­op­le to achi­e­ve un­u­su­al re­sults.

The main thing in the work is to an­s­wer the qu­es­ti­ons of what and when. This al­lows us to co­r­re­c­t­ly fo­cus our ef­forts on vital go­als and achi­e­ve them whi­le they matter.

We value can­dor. It al­lows us to qu­ick­ly un­der­s­tand the is­sue and is the ba­sis of trust. This ap­p­lies to our cu­s­to­mers and col­le­a­gues.

Work-life sho­uld be en­joy­ab­le. We co­vet pro­cess as much as the de­s­ti­na­ti­on. So if you ne­ver see pe­op­le that get tre­me­n­­do­us ple­a­su­re from work, you just have to meet us.